Myrranda Dimici

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Lady Myrranda at Tir Righ September Coronet 2005

Myrranda had gone to a local gym to work out. After using the rowing machine she proceeded to the leg press station. She sat down, then got up, and passed out. She had a seizure.

They tried to revive her at the scene, but were unsuccessful. They worked on her in the ambulance, and at the Victoria General Hospital. She died around 6:15 pm, October 29.

There will be a memorial service for Colleen Mah (Myrranda Dimici) this Saturday, November 3, 2007 in Victoria, BC.

She will be greatly missed.

Mistress Lenora di Calizzan


Branch: Seagirt

Award of Arms - Mar 21 AS 32 / 1998
Seagull (Seagirt) - Dec 12 AS 33 / 1998
Silent Harp (Seagirt) - Mar 22 AS 37 / 2003
Sergeant (Seagirt) - Jul 23 AS 40 / 2005 |


(Please enter your memories here. Don't forget to include your name followed by four dashes ----)

It is with great sadness that we hear the news this night of a passing of a dear friend. Our hearts go out to Colleen's friends and family at this time of sadness.

I have spoken to the Dance mistress this night and dance practice this week is cancelled although she will be there for any who show up or are not on the Rocks. And if you simply want to talk to someone you could do that.

As the drill shed is closed we will also cancel fighting practice.

I will leave the status of A&S up to those hosting it.

The Baronial Social, pending any other schedulling, will be open Friday for anyone who wants to simply come and talk or just hang out and be with someone.

Cherish each other. Today is a day of great sadness. Tomorrow, or the next day, we will, somehow, find the strength to carry on.

James and Glynis Baron and Baroness of Seagirt

I'll miss her. The world has lost a sparkling star.

Halima, who will now hug every friend, just in case...

To all those who knew her well you have John and my deepest sympathy.

John and Emma

Arts and Sciences night will be open at the usual time but Her Excellency's book class is cancelled and will be rescheduled for next week.

This venue will adopt a similar stance as Dance and will be open and supportive of the members of Seagirt and friends of Myrannda wishing to share during this loss.

Morgaine and Hucbald wish to express our deepest sympathy and saddness at this loss.

My heart goes out to everybody. I fwded the msg to Wulfgar to and I'm quite sure he will be shocked and be sending his deepest sympathies.

Alezzandra, Wulfgar, Camryn and Devin.

from Cathal Sean

I am shocked, saddened and feel very small, that someone so dear to me for such a long time should be taken so early in life.

My heart, to everyone.


Speaking as a friend and from her household, she will be missed greatly.

The field will be different without our warrior sister. May she dance in the stars ever graceful as she danced on earth.

It is difficult to impart words, but the words of everyone else seems to reflect the adoration we all had for her.

She was a great confidant and she and I had many great conversations over the years—I will miss our frequent chats, discussions, and daily affirmations. She was truly a gem that had so much to give to everyone.

From our household to her real family, I extend our hand out and condolences out to them. She was our family as well and our gatherings will feel her absence.

Her tree from our household was the Cypress Bonsai which always represented her well. A tree that is a giant in the forest, and she was just that. Her personality was one that towered the rest of us even though her stature wasn't. Every time I look at a Bonsai, I will think of our sweet Myrranda.

I miss you sister but I will always think of you when I look to the stars...


Although I hardly knew Colleen/Myrranda I did see her about Seagirt and she always seemed happy. My fondest memory will be when she would let my children beat on her in armor. She and they smiled widely. She was a good soul and it showed in her involvement and kindness towards others.


Myrranda has been entered on the Scroll of Honor - An Tir Remembers.