Kagami Tomoko

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Anejiro no Tamiko's personal kamon


Kagami Tomoko, (加賀美度茂子 | かがみともこ) formerly Anejiro no Tamiko, has participated in the SCA since about 2001 C.E. Though her time in the SCA has been sporadic, most of her early years were spent camping alongside the House of Hormones in the Barony of Three Mountains. While her name has changed a couple of times over the past few years, she has played a Japanese persona. On rare occasions, you may find her go a viking.

In 2004 C.E., Tamiko began her 5 year pilgrimage to the Barony of Adiantum in search of new light. Three years later, Kagami Tomoko along with Taðkr ormstunga, Senen meśou-nešed, & Toomachi no Shichiro formed a new house known as House Jormungandr. 2008 C.E. marks her brief return to the Barony of Three Mountains, moving still further north in summer of 2009 C.E. to the Barony of Madrone. She left An Tir in 2011 C.E. and now hails from The Shire of Cloondara in The Kingdom of the West.


Kagami Tomoko was born to a noble family in Kanoto U - Year of the Rabbit, Younger brother of metal (1003 C.E.) near the straits of Korea.

One day while docked at a port off China's coast, Kagami Tomoko's life changed forever during a deal between a ship of viking mercenaries and her Korean traders. Whether it was a mistranslation or Korean temperament she will never know, but something went dreadfully wrong during the transaction and a fight broke out. It was clear that the mercenaries out-skilled and out-numbered the Korean traders, but the victory came with a price. The Norsemen's translator, Li Long Xiao, was slain during the skirmish leaving them linguistically stranded in a strange land. Until they found Kagami Tomoko hiding behind the bar...
