An Tir July Coronation 2019

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This is the staff appreciation page for July Coronation 2019. We wanted it here because it is important that the contributions made by those on our team do not get lost in the mists of Facebook or other social media venues.

Michael and I would like to express our gratitude to our team, our friends and to the Inlands Baronies for helping to make July Coronation 2019 the successful event it was.

Watch movies? Seen the credits? Hang on, here come the credits for July Coronation! Maybe there will be a Marvel-esque Easter egg or two.

First off the Barony of Wastekeep - without the loan of your erics equipment we could not have done this. Baron Thorkill and Baroness Gudrun - You are the best! We plan to steal Fergus (Biggy Big-mountain) and Kaitlin (Kaitlin Grogan) at the first opportunity.

The Barony of Wealdsmere - nothing but support and encouragement the entire way. Thank you Baron Osrik and Baroness Sig. We love our Barony!

From the very beginning we had a vision of what we would like the event to be. We wanted a village atmosphere, where people could stop by the merchants, check out the A&S or drop in on Court all in one central area. We wanted the surrounding camps to all have equal access to the Town Square. We wanted a Stewards Point so people could readily find help, information and lost items. Site restrictions made it a challenge, but we somehow got it to work.

The second thing we were adamant about was rewarding our volunteers in an instant and tangible way. So our entire team spent 6 months making largesse, holding largesse contests, getting donations from others. We amassed a dragon's hoard of things. Hundreds of items large and small - it was really quite humbling to see the way our team members stepped up on this one thing. We got a roll of tickets and distributed them to gate, waterbearers, heralds - all the usual volunteer areas. The idea was simple: work one hour, get a ticket. Exchange ticket for an item of largesse. We had over 700 items going in, it covered two long tables and we had to keep restocking from the bins. Around 75 items were left at the end. Kids were running back to work more hours to get more tickets. Adults were asking how they could get in on this action. We wanted to show people we really do appreciate it when they step up to help, we wanted them to feel their service was valued and instantly rewarded.

We presented two large baskets of largesse to Their Majesties on behalf of the event staff. Every single item in those baskets had been made by a staff member. We presented more to our Baron and Baroness. Our team had outdone themselves. Never have I been prouder of a group of volunteers.

Our team worked long hours. In the six months leading up we had monthly meetings, workshops, they endured questions and reminders from me and harrassing about reports on their areas. They patiently watched as I did multiple map, schedule and plan revisions.

On Thursday night they cheerfully dragged their tents over and all squished in between two buildings when I tossed the plan out and told them Staff Camp had to move so we could offer more people camping space. They did it with good humor and an esprit de corps that makes me teary-eyed. I cannot adequately express the love I have for these people.

I cannot single out each amazing person who helped here, and if I miss you I apologize - so many stepped up, so many were a part of this event. Know that we both appreciate everything you did.

Michael and I split duties along Administrative and Marshallate lines, so I will hit the highlights of our admin team: Our Stewards Assistant Extraordinaire: Izza al-Dimashqiyya (Casey Stalter) it’s no exaggeration when I say that I couldn’t have done it without her. She booked libraries, handled the biffies and dumpsters scheduling, made largesse (Bear-onial Bears!) and reminded me constantly of a million details including to eat and drink water. She is a force to be reckoned with and a true friend.

Our gate lead & Exchequer: Isabella Flemming (Penny Wirth-Fleming) and Braith (Janelle Griffiths) who both worked tirelessly before, during and after. Baroness Katherine of Akornebir, who got us up to speed on PayPal at gate and pre-registration. These are massive jobs that don't get nearly enough appreciation.

Our schedule Coordinator; the inimitable Maude Louisiana d'Orleans (LaToya M. Johnson) not only did she somehow make it work, she made me laugh doing so - order from chaos, lady, order from chaos. Our Vigils Coordinator: Bann Theign Viola Carrara (Joyce Corder). She got the parties all squared away on the erics and it was fabulous, she also took over and spearheaded getting the site tokens done when our lovely Fiametta had work issues and had to hand it off. Our Royal Liaison Mistress Kara Bjonsdottir (Rachel Kleinpaste) who relayed information between multiple sets of Royals and made sure we were meeting Their needs and she ran the YAC tournament - all amidst planning her of elevation to the Order of the Pelican at this event! Our Classes Coordinator Ekaterina Kazimirova - not only did she line up classes, she ran the Staff Camp kitchen and kept us all fed all weekend. I know how hard it is to cook for 30 people. Well done lady, well done. The lovely Site Copy was done by Lucia Robertsdottir (Jenn Harper) who made changes literally right up to the last minute with grace and good humor. Our Arts and Sciences Village Coordinator Fina MacGrioghaire (Luara Baseler) who not only organized the artisans, she ran the A&S contests, she helped with set-up, tear down and she did her Kingdom job as Aestel - consulting herald for An Tir. She is tiny, but mighty!

Our Merchants Coordinator Una of Grimwith, she organized merchants row and ran it - even with an injured foot! Our Eric Reservations & Inlands camp coordinator, Mistress Ysabella Greene (Heather Parchen) somehow got it all to fit and put up with me with extreme grace and patience. I am truly grateful for her wisdom and experience. Our Volunteer Coordinator Moll Firth (Tessa DeMoy-Allers) seldom have I seen someone work so hard, and everytime I turned she was there to see if I needed anything. Our “Brute Squad” organizer Sigrid the Vinlander (Angie Wood) who had the Herculean task of getting the Kingdom pavilions up, and down and managed it superbly - and she “gets me” which is huge! Our ADA camp coordinator, Dame Richenda du Jardin (Susan Wensel) who proved the concept is sound.

Our Parking Squad Konr McAlpin (Karl Christianson) and Olaf Montenore (Robert M. MacCallum) who somehow managed to make parking work without an L.A. freeway disaster. Kudos guys, kudos. I had a vision of a pub-style place where people could gather, play a game, sit and visit with friends. We had the perfect building for it in an old carriage house. Captain Davey Brushwater and the Rooks made that vision a reality. It was everything I hoped it would be, and it will get better and better going forth.

Our Marshallate team: Michael handled this aspect of the event, but I just want to say thank you to Arawn MacPhillan, our overall Marshallate Overall Coordinator who took on the job when we asked him to and executed it brilliantly. Thank you to Snorri Radulfsson, who not only oversaw the heavy tourney aspects; he stepped up to run waterbearing for all of the weekends tournaments. Our Rapier Marshall, Alexandre de Sant Roma de Sau (Scott Stalter) - talk about above and beyond. Our Archery Range lead, Master Will Fletcher who not only ran archery, he and his lovely Lady Jannet came to every site token sewing party and our sign painting workshop to help get them done. Our favorite Missileer, Vadas Ersebet (Jocelyn Mackie) this lady not only built all new Thrown Weapons range equipment, she organized group camping and somehow made them all fit! Fiametta de Rossellini (Jennifer Hall) she designed the site tokens, she supplied staff with refreshing lemonade all weekend, she makes me smile just to see her...and that’s an important job in itself. Mistress Juliana de Luna, a good and true friend whose wise council I appreciate - I don’t always follow it, but I appreciate it.

My husband, Dino. The most patient man in the world. No one sees what he does, but the RV plan and all the supplies hauled in and all the trash hauled to the dump and unloaded at the end - that was him. Gera (Jeri Sisco) The most patient woman in the world. It didn’t matter where she was traveling or what time it was - I had an answer to my question in minutes. And I had many questions.

To Duke Christian and Duchess Helene - thank you for having faith in our ability to do this.

My co-steward Michael. He fires me up, he talks me down, he brings a measure of order to my chaos. He listens patiently and then offers up a new perspective. He didn't run when I pitched him my crazy plan to do this thing together. We know each others strengths and weaknesses and we find a balance. He is my Peer in all ways that truly matter. My husband and I call him and his wife Robin friends and that is as good as it gets.

Master Michael Lancaster, OoD HL Arnora Grimsdottir Event Stewards for July Coronation