Michele Aquilani da Napoli

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Sable, an eagle Or and a dexter tierce argent.

Monsignore Michele Aquilani da Napoli
More commonly known as Eagle. Has an Italian ecclesiastical persona who would have served at the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome around 1550. He would have had frequent travels between San Bevignate Church in Perugia Italy and the Santa Maria del Carmine in Naples Italy. The founding father of the Academia Santi Thomai Aquini (household). He currently uses the title of "Monsignore" and has become gravely ill, he has retired and been cloistered to the Academia.

“Sable, an eagle Or and a dexter tierce argent”

Personal History
Eagle’s first event was Estrella (Millennial War) in the Kingdom of Atenveldt. He reattached to active duty military shortly after and participated and travelled in different Kingdoms over the years. During that time his Whitescarf Lineage is Gwylym ab Owain Tatershal to Giacomo Cavalli da Treviso to Michele Aquilani da Napoli, Heavy Armor Lineage was Durin Oldenmoor Tjorkilskin to Michele Aquialani da Napoli and serving in several officer and championship positions through this time in the SCA. However after five deployments on active duty he become diagnosed with Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Chronically ill he was retired from active duty service and had to retire from all SCA Combat related activities. He still attends events but in a much smaller capacity and currently is in Washington State, in the Barony of Wealdmere. He is an Weaver and Embroider and enjoys various projects and research.

Officer Positions Held
Baronial Rapier Marshal
Baronial Arts & Science
Principality Rapier Marshal
Kingdom Cut & Thrust Marshal

Championships Positions Held
Baronial Rapier Champion
Baronial Arts & Science Champion
Principality Rapier Champion
Principality Heavy Champion
Principality Arts & Science Champion

Award of Arms (An Tir)
White Scarf (An Tir)
Grail of the Summits (Martial)
Silver Dolphin
Goutte de Sang