Talk:Ljúfvina haustmyrky

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Ljúfvina haustmyrky Hranfsdottir* is (a proposed name for) a subject hailing from the Barony of Aquaterra.

As of February AS XXXXVIII (MKA 2014), the name is unregistered and not firmly settled upon. The byname may be either 'Hranfsdottir' or 'Grimsdottir', should this overall name string be desired.


Ljúfvina is originally from somewhere in the Old Norse lands, likely during the 'Dark' or Early Middle Ages. However, firmer details have yet to be uncovered.

Some early theories pose that she is a niece of Captain Amethyst Skye, but this is currently speculation.

SCA History

Ljúfvina began her foray into the Society in August AS XXXXVII (2013) at the Barony of Aquaterra's Social Night in Snohomish. She was unnamed, unknown, and unsure of what to expect; however, she was immediately impressed and touched by the current Baron, Steinolf Ketilsson, taking the time to sit, speak with, and listen to her. Individuals such as the heralds Hafr-Tóki and Oddr Þiálfason, along with Elewyn ferch Emerys, also showed her great kindness in sharing their time and introducing her to others. This left such a strong impression on Ljúfvina that she knew this was exactly the kind of community and game she wanted to be involved in.


SCA Interests