Gucci Brotherhood

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The Gucci's were a household of young lads who all grew through thier teenage years together in the SCA. This part is for them to fill.

However in my days of spending time with them I have a few stories to relate.

The Gucci 500.

As a large group, about 11 of us we headed off to an (I think) Egils tourney in around 1987 ish, we were in three cars. The car that I was in upon arriving in Oregon and stopping at the local beer emporium we discovered 24 packs or Reineer were only $5 because of some kind of promotion. Being the sensible lads we were we decided to spend every penny that we had purchasing as much beer as we could. The Three of us,Stefano,Sam Shieldbait and myself spent everything we had on this goldmine of beer thinking that we would be able to get recompense from our brothers at the event as well as much adulation and cool points for providing a lot of beer for a low price.

Meanwhile all the other two cars did exactly the same thing.

Picture a stack of cases of beer taller than a person.

Then picture 11 young men working hard from friday till sunday drinking the beer.

There were a few high points. Due to the loud noises that we produced some of our less impressed neighbors thought that dancing in our HUGE pile of empties on the sunday morning would be sufficient revenge. It was, we cursed and scowled and they wen't away. We went back to sleep to discover the return of our said neighbors with pots and wooden spoons.

As we were packing up we started gathering our cash for Gas money. We had a small handfull of change at best. Discovering our fate a kind person arranged at court to pass a helm with the the following Statement.

"The Gucci's have spent all of thier gas money on BEER, We of (can't remember the barrony name) would like to make sure that they do not stay here for any longer than necessary, please help us send the Gucci's home"

We, were sent home in great style by those grand people.

Stay tuned for the next story from an early bitter waters. "The Gucci's have lost thier truck"

Regards Yusuf