Arqai Ne'urin

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I am Arqai Ne'khurin, of the Great Journey. I was given this name by the Khan of Khans and Son of Heaven Kubli Kahn himself. I have crossed His great empire many, many times in His service, on one purpose or another. I am presently travelling from a successful siege of Baghdad (by my Il Kahn, Hulegu) to Karakorum to make reports on our findings there.

Now I find myself in a strange land, inhabited by equally strange peoples. Some know of my mission and my Kahn and others do not. Many have greeted me in friendship and I have taken up cause with them in fighting their enemies. First as a simple foot soldier, but now I am helping them by developing the great war engines that I recently used to assist Hulegu with the subjugation of the Shah. Also, the great engines must be protected when deployed, so I have an interest in furthering my archery skills in a combat environment.

Let this missive be a recounting of my time in this strange land. Throughout, I will use their reckoning of the date as it is the only framework from which I can now relate. They record the date from the beginnings of their Society as “Anno Societatis”, or A.S. They tell me that these words have meaning in one of their strange tongues that I do not understand. However, their purpose serves me well enough for my telling.

I had gone to my bed in the usual way but awoke to find myself surrounded by strangers in a strange land. They called themselves “Casa del Sol Brilliante” and they informed me that their calendar reckoned the date to be AS 22. This small household was part of a larger community, then known as the Shire of Cynabar (now a Barony, Ann Arbor, Michigan). Further, this Shire owed their allegiance to a Kingdom, known as the Middle Kingdom (no relation to the Middle Kingdom of the Kin, conquered by the Khan of Khans Kubli).

Arqai 001x60.jpg

These were the first peoples that I contacted in these “current Middle Ages” as they call it. They greeted me warmly as a friend. In return, I took a name that fitted better with their society than what I had known. I came to be known to them as “Ifan Cynabre”, as they had a kinsman by that name that had disappeared mysteriously. They honored me by giving me his name. They trained me in their ways of war and I joined them eagerly upon the field of battle as a foot soldier.

The Middle Kingdom has a recurrent foe in the neighboring Kingdom of the East. Every year they meet in a great battle on a field they call “Pennsic” where there is a great gathering of the peoples of both Kingdoms and their allies. I have fought along side the Kings of the Middle six times on the fields of Pennsic. The battles were great and epic as I'm sure you can imagine, but this is not the place to tell those tales. I would like to say that my time in the Midrealm was glorious and songs are sung of my great accolades. Sadly, there are none.

(Resume note: During my time in the Midrealm, I also got involved with re-enacting the French and Indian war with a group made up of a few members of Casa del Sol. I actually spent more time with the F&I group for much of my time in the Midrealm. I really never got any of the kind of notice that is required to gain SCA accolades. One of my friends from Cas del Sol did go on to become the first Baron of Cynabar, but that was after I had more or less left the group.)

As years passed during my time in the Midrealm, I chose to return to my true identity as proud Mongol of the Steppes. It was shortly after that time that I met the fair maid Rosamonde and asked her to be my life companion and keeper of my camp. She agreed but she wanted me to consider relocating our home to another Kingdom; a Kingdom I have come to learn is known as An Tir. She told me of the great beauty of the lands of An Tir and I confess it made me long for the hills and mountains of home. We were wed and took our first journey together to the war on the Pennsic fields (yes, our honeymoon really was at Pennsic War). It was AS 32. Shortly after, we relocated our camp to the Kingdom of An Tir.

We established our camp. I have learned that a lone Mongol, however well suited to his land, is easy prey for larger and stronger groups. I went in search of friends and was happy to discover that I had the good fortune of finding myself in lands controlled and kept peaceful by a powerful Baron and Baroness. Their Barony is well known in the Kingdom of An Tir and is called “Dragon's Laire”.

Registered Heraldry:

Arqai device 001.png

Device: Gyronny sable and argent, a decrescent vert Badge: (Fieldless) a decrescent vert

I was much pleased to make the acquaintance of His Excellency Baron Cedric Wolfravn and his lovely Baroness Bridgid Ross. I served in their court as deputy herald and on their list fields as a junior marshal (junior marshal AS 41, 2007). I also served as herald during a Royal court of An Tir at a Twelfth Night celebration. For this and other such service, I was given an award known as a “Snapdragon” (first level Baronial service award) in AS 43. Also, my name and my device (Gyrony, sable and argent, a decrescent vert) have been recognized and registered with the great Society during this period (registered with Laurel, July 2007).

I constructed a few small models of my great war engines to demonstrate their capability to the Baron and Baroness. They were much impressed and encouraged me to pursue the building of full sized engines that may be deployed on the battlefield. Even so, my simple models earned their gratitude and they presented me with an award known as a “Bumblebee” (first level Baronial Arts and Sciences award) in AS 42.

For a time, life in my encampment kept me from full participation with my new friends (AS 44 through AS 46). But now that I have returned I have been even more able than before to participate.

Since my return in AS 46 I have been authorized as a junior siege marshal (August, AS 47) and as a full senior marshal for heavy combat. I am presently serving the Honorable Barony of Dragon's Laire as deputy Baronial Marshal, assisting Master Cedric with some of the more routine duties (primarily, I manage the waiver forms and assist new people with “gearing up” as needed), freeing him up to train and work with our mighty heavy fighting corps. I have (re-)authorized with “weapon and shield” and “bow and arrow”. Also, I have taught classes and given assistance in making of armour to some of our newer fighters so that they may be prepared to take the field against our foes.

Regarding fealty, I owe fealty to my Kahn and through Him, to my Il Kahn. I am a Mongol. It can be only thus. But I am far from my Kahn in both time and space and know not when I may expect to hear from Him. Until that time, I am happy to swear a higher oath, that of friendship, to those who have befriended me in this strange land. I owe fealty out of duty and being true to my nature. Friendship is a choice. As it is extended to me, it is only right and true that I should extend it to others. And fealty is exclusive. It can only be bestowed in one place at a time. Friendship is inclusive and can grow and blossom to be shared by many.

In summary, it is my hope that you have found this document to be at least informative, and perhaps a little entertaining.


Interests (in no particular order):

  • Siege engines – combat ready (participant and marshal, A&S)
  • Siege engines – table top and scale (A&S)
  • Heavy combat (marshal)
  • Combat archery (participant and marshal)
  • Pewter casting (fun and useful)
  • Heraldry – court and voice
  • Heraldry – book (consultant)
  • Armour making (ongoing process!)
  • Target archery – Period class (new interest)
  • Garb – (I've made most of my own clothing and continue to do so)
  • Rapier – interested observer (as opportunity presents)
  • Equestrian - interested observer (as opportunity presents)
  • Uighur script - I would dearly LOVE to learn to write in this script
  • General Service (as needed)

    Classes I've taught
  • Introduction to basic pewter casting
  • Pewter casting - the next steps
  • Trebuchets of the Mongol Conquest - a demonstration in miniature
  • My Coat of Plates - a step by step guide

    In response to continued interest, I'm presently guiding three people in making their own coat of plates. If this trend continues, Dragon's Laire will soon look like a proper horde on the battle field.

    Treb 001x1.jpg
    Model Trebuchets
    Left to Right: Hodun Pao (Crouching Tiger), Hui Hui Pao (Muslim Trebuchet), and Xuanfeng Pao (Whirlwind)
    For an idea of scale, the orange balls are about 1" in diameter. I've built a full scale of the Xuanfeng that needs a bit of tuning to be war ready, but makes a great demo display. (Ya know? I really should get some pictures!) I'm working on a half scale Hodun Pao that is about 80% done at this writing, but has taken back seat to other projects. More on these and other projects later.

    Belt tips 01x.jpg
    Cast pewter belt tip plates
    From left to right: My device (belt mounted), Dragon's Laire populace badge, An Tir populace badge
    I've cast just the one of my own, but many of the others, given as largess at the baronial and kingdom level. If you received one of these plates as an award or gift, I'd love to see what you did with it. Also, I'm happy to take commissions for pewter work. I really enjoy doing it, but some times run short on reasons to invest the effort.