Frodhi Willuson

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Frodhi Willuson hails from the Shire of Ravenswier, known mundanely as Quesnel, British Columbia. His persona is in serious development, but at the moment he appears to be a 10th Century Norseman, who has done some raiding in the past and now wishes to settle down as a woodworker. This plan is not going, as they say, according to plan - so far.

Interests Include:

  • Making Tankards and documenting the process. (in a decidedly un-period way)
  • Relief Carving (and finger butchering).
  • Writing things to perform (poems, songs, stories).
  • Building armour for heavy fighting.
  • Moving to Montengarde.


Nothing serious in any way shape or form. Several years ago I was awarded "Noble Heart" at the Ravenswier Feast of Hearts for my skill in Bowing, Strutting and Wooing.

At this years Clinton (XLI) the Barony of Somewhere Else and assorted Montengardian compatriots gave Chris and I tokens of gratitude for out service over the event, waterbearing, helping and generally having fun. These two tokens and my Noble Heart badge I wear with excessive amounts of pride because of the spirit they were given in.