Rhieinwylydd verch Einion Llanaelhaearn

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Revision as of 08:49, 18 September 2009 by LadyLynessa (talk | contribs) (Lynessa O'Koin)
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Lady Lynessa, when a young child, lived a small village called Dinian in Brittany. She grew up there and eventually became the headwoman of the village council in the 13th century. During her time as headwoman, she cared for the young, had three of her own ( Thorir, Kendall, Becka),teaching them thier letters and numbers and the ways of the ancestors who came from Britian. She organized trade with other villages, the farming times, harvesting times and celebrations. It was her job to care for these people who were her family and friends.

Shortly after her 31st birthing day celebration, the village was over run by mercenaries. The leader being Johannes Von Morgarten a Lord in his own right according to the Empire. At first it was a tumultous affair; he keeping his distance and her not wanting to get involved with the man who took over "her" town. But after several months the two fell for one another and eventually got married; much to the Empire's pleasure= they now had a "governor" in the area to take care of brigands and the like. He settled down, she still took care of the people, who now had protection from raiders such as his group had been, and all was well. Now he fights in tourneys and when called to battle by the King. Not many battles for him this year as they are expecting one or two of their own to join the children who run thru the feilds.

Thier service to the crown is never over, so while he doesn't fight as much, he now teaches the youth the ways of combat, honor and chivalry. Joining forces with those who need help to repel raiders and the like. We are the House of Talons, raising up the youth to fight for right and keeping our own heads while we do it.