Talieson Teagwas

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I go airborne to make a show for the masses at Faire in the Groove.

Persona Bio

Talieson is a Welsh men born in the first year of the 14th Century during the oppressive reign of King Edward the 1st. During this time of English dominance of the Welsh people, Talieson fought under the command of the King of France in an attempt to weaken English influence.


As a second generation SCAdian I've been involved in this SCA in one way or another since birth. After swinging more boffers then most people realize exist, I began my heavy fighting career by fighting in West Antir 2006 a full week after my 16th birthday. I now spend most of my SCA time fighting, playing board games and being a camp fire wall flower.


The Iron Ring
Tristan MacGregor

Amalric Blackhart

House Blackhart