FreedomFest Champion's Tourney XLIII

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(Clipped from the Steps of the Cathedral.)

4 July 2008

Unto the known world and the populace of Rath an Oir and Blatha An Oir.

Do I Lord Andrew McClaine send greetings and congratulations to our new champions this day.

Lord Joahann (sp) of Glenmere Won our heavy Championship. he was well tested and truly deserves the title. I not know last names or how to spell them so please bare with me.

Senyor Abrahe çaragoça de girona of Blatha An Oir is our new A & S Champion.

Lord Gallant Uleric  of Blatha An Oir is our new Rapier Champion.

Congratulations to all who where past Champions for you are the ones who inspired those who choose to enter these contest.

Most off all my many thanks to the Officers of Rath an Oir and their families for all the hard work you have done all these years.

I forgot to mention in court that Rath an Oir's A & S Minister is building chairs for all the winners of each championship we will post when they are done being made so that we can get them to you.

I want to also thank Baron Wolfgang and his lovely Baroness who's name always escapes me even tho I have known her for years for stepping in and taking our champions oath of service while Baron Aleksi and Baroness Elsbeth where defending our lands at An Tir West War.

My thanks to all the Merchants who came, Hank and Dove leather, Kate the Candle maker, Shanassy (sp) and RavenHill clothing with out you we truly would not have had a wonderful presentation. Also Thank you Knut for the wonderful wood working To Hrusthwia (sp) and another Fine lady whose name escapes me for the wonderful presentation of spinning and wool work.

To all the Good gentles who traveled near and far to join us in celebrating the day with the IMPERAL FORCES again also with out you we would not have had a Wonderful time.

Now it is again with a Sad heart that I also must say here that I to am taking a smaller role in the running of the stronghold This was my last event as Autocrat I have to many things going on now with my new mundane job and life at home with my wife and little girl. I am going to Remain the Seneschal of Rath an Oir until we find a replacement. But I am stepping down from some of the duties that I am not able to do because of a crazy new schedule. I am Looking now for someone to replace me and I will work and train them on the post procedures till such a time that it is agreed that they can take my place fully.

Till then the officers and I agreed that I will still do the administrative part and will get someone to run the meetings and such till a replacement is found.

I have learned more in my tenure as Seneschal about the SCA then I have ever learned in all my years of playing and other types of service. To all who where there when I needed advice or a shoulder to help me do things MY THANKS AND APPRECIATION There Are just to many to Thank here in name so I will do my best to do so in person.

YIS Lord Andrew McClaine Seneschal Rath an Oir Kingdom of An Tir