Tristan MacGregor

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Ana de la Sara


Tristan MacGregor is mundanely known as Jeffrey Solmon.

The name Tristan MacGregor is one I have been using for some time but has not been submitted or approved. I have also never submitted my arms even though I have been shire herald in 2 different shires.


My interests far outweigh my ability to do them all. I consider myself a jack of all trades kind of guy. I love the SCA and have found new passions and areas to explore at nearly every event I have ever attended. So many things - So little money.

Heavy Combat

I have been fighting off and on throughout my SCA career. (You'd have thought I would be better by now). I first discovered the SCA at a demo at DundraCon in the San Francisco Bay area in 1987. I was hooked and started playing shortly there after.


I remember early events and the magic I found listening to songs about the campfire. I also enjoy trying my own hand at singing but have rarely had much success with public performance. My desire to sing far surpassing my actual ability to do so.


I love to dance and try to enjoy it whenever it is offered. I am a member of the River Region Dance Troupe and have performed with them on several occassions. I am always eager to learn new dances and try to pick things up as I go along. I am not a naturally graceful person but I do have a passion for it (I am sensing a theme emerging here).


I have played at Archery at several different events but never taken it up with any great frequency. In the coming year I would like to change that and attempt to become a combat archer. After seeing the impact they made on the field at the last AnTir/West war I am eager to try my hand at it.


I have tried my hand at it and even participated at Estrella War as a rapier combatant. As with most of my other passions I find more interest than ability within myself. Although I did experience some success with my RBG. I may not be able to cross swords with a Don and live to tell the tale but I can shoot them with great glee.

==Persona History==
Ana de la Sara at An Tir West War 2008

Iuliana was born in 1543 outside of Leon, the daughter of Diego de la Sara, a respected ambler, and Catalina la Roja, a courtier of the Habsburg Court. Iuliana grew up in and out of court society and among the company of many soldiers and officers who knew and respected her father. She was fully educated in reading, writing, arts and science and learned to speak French as well as her native tongue.

In 1559 Iuliana was sent on a court errand to Milan where she met, through a childhood friend under the command of her father, José Cabrera de Castilla. They quickly fell in love and were married with the blessing of both families and the royal court.

After they were married, Iuliana spent 3 years following José on several of his military campaign. There she made herself invaluable by keeping the military support train organized, and maintaining the financial books of most of the officers. Once his term of service ended, José sought out a company with which he could continue his military training, and encountered the Iron Ring on one of it's many maneuvers into Italy. Abandoning his concern for his family's growing wealth and power, José took up with the mercenaries, and Iuliana followed. There she stopped being the wife of an officer, and earned the rank through her prowess and intelligence to be an equal with her husband as a Sergeant.

Unit Device of the Iron Ring
HL Corporal Tristan McGregor on the field of battle
HL Tristan with his lady, Maggie