Honor War A.S. XXXIX/2005

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Honor War Main Page

April 15-17, 2005
College of Lyonsmarche
Master Khudkakhar the Bear
Boyer Park and Marina 1753 Granite Rd. Almota, WA

Event Copy

Crier Event Copy

April 2005 Crier copy, page 14

Once again it is time to take up your spoons...umm..arms, and come to Lyonsmarche to stave off invaders and protect the venerable lentils from a fate worse than death. Join with your friends and celebrate away the warmer(er) days of Spring. The attractions will include the Patrons Tournament, an A&S competition and display, a hands-on pottery class taught by Mistress Morgaina, as well as many other sundry activities. There are even rumors circulating that there may be an appearance by the notorius "Lentil Helm". So dust off your camp gear and your armor and come spend some time knocking the rust and dust of Winter from you and yours.

Court Report

Bridget Woulfe of Pendale, Award of Arms
Jennifer of Lyonsmarche, Award of Arms
Sorcha Mac an tSaoi of Silverhart, Award of Arms


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Personal Memories

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