Davide Di Francesco Dominici

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Davide di Francesco, Grand Thing AS 49
Resides: Barony of Three Mountains
Awards: Visit the Order of Precedence.
Offices: TBD
Per chevron ployé azure and argent, in dexter chief a cross patonce Or


Davide di Francesco, born in Florence in the latter part of the 13th century to a merchant family of no great fame, joined the flourishing Dominican community in Florence. Within the Dominicans he entered the Congregatio Fratrum Peregrinatium propter Christum (The Congregation of the Brother Pilgrims for Christ). The Congregation existed for only about 150 years and unlike the regular Dominicans who went throughout Europe, the Friars of the Congregation were sent abroad especially to Byzantine lands but even beyond (The Friars Pilgrims for Christ. Ambrose Coleman. Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review. Vol. 8, No. 31 (Sep., 1919), pp. 456-468).

Having traveled throughout many lands, the Order of Friars Preachers (The Dominicans) have sent Friar Davide to the oft time heathen lands of An Tir to bring the Love of Light to the worthies of the Sable Kingdom. Following the traditions of the Age, the good Friar oft forgets to bring the Spirit to those he meets but rather enjoys the Spirits they already have.

SCA Accomplishments:

Member of Iron Ring: AS 49 - Present

Award of Arms One Day

Dragon's Mist: Book Herald--Deputy to the White Dragon Pursuivant

Served the Lists--various events

Areas of Interest:

Heraldry and Heraldic Display


Charter/Charter Painting

Scribal Arts

Learning about others' Personae

SCA History:

Introduced to the SCA in 2014, my first event was Faire in the Grove. I was hooked! I looked at personae and knew mine would be a Dominican Friar from the early years and drew from my own name to form my persona name. Numerous events followed including Egils 2014 and a Coronation.

In Three Mountains I was able to join the group who painted charters for the Kingdom and found a love for that.

In 2006 Life moved me a world away to SE Asia. Life got in the way for a long time but finally in 2014 I knew it was time to return to the Known World and the best way to do that was Faire in the Grove.

Numerous events have followed.