Kara Reginasdottir

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Kara Bjornsdottir started playing in the SCA in 1998 after her mother and father had taken her to a local event a few years before. Her original persona was a 15th century Englishwomen names Elizabeth Woodenbury. From the beginning she was in love with the Wealdsmerian people and fascinated with costuming and the arts.

She was introduced by her friend, Lars Ragnarson (who she would later marry) to the banBehran of Wealdsmere at the time, Kelta Bri Leith who was a much kindred spirit. Kelta's love of the arts and willingness to teach would encourage Elizabeth to persue her love of the scribal arts in addition to taking on the many challenges that come with autocrating an event. Elizabeth soon changed her name to Kara Bjornsdottir, a 9th century Viking and started the process of registering her arms. She eventually married her friend Lars Ragnarson. She eventually mourned deeply the passing of her friend Kelta Bri Leith.

Kara realized that service was a rewarding way to give back to the game she loved so much. She served on the baronial retinue to Kelta, held offices such as chronicler, baronial scribe and eventually A & S, working gate/goldkey/lists/waterbearer/marshal at events and found a sincere enjoyment in running events. She loved service so much that she entered into the Wealdsmere trials Sergents and was awarded a position as Courtier which was granted to her by Kelta bri Leith. She was chosen to serve on the retinue of Gunnar and Gabriell who later become a fierce and beloved friend.

Kara has been granted a great many awards for her service to the Barony and Kingdom (as a part of the retinue for Gunnar and Gabriell who later made her an offical member of their household House Brunwulf), but she has always been rewarded more by the persons that she has had the honor to meet and call friends. Wealdsmere is a place full of talented and friendly people. The populace is renowned for their hospitality and fun nature. Kara has always felt home in the area and is proud to call herself a Wealdsmerian.

Kara and Lars did recently have a child who is known as Lucas BeeSlayer. After his third birthday, the couple did return to the SCA almost full time. Lucas enjoys watching his daddy fight and spending time with the many friends of Kara and Lars who teach him skills such as fighting, dog walking, water retrieval and archery (both war and target).

Kara also eventually changed her persona back to the later period (14th century English), but has not had the heart to change her name.