Erik Rikwulf

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Erik Rikwulf


Award of Arms - Oct 27 AS 19 / 1984

Goutte de Sang - Nov 4 AS 24 / 1989

Memory of Erik Rikwulf: Back when I first started in the Society, and had yet started fighting, Rikwulf was one of the first people I knew. He took the time to explain what I was seeing on the field, why the people with crossed trumpets on their chests were yelling, why the other people had those stripy sticks, and what I could do to participate. Rikwulf (for that was what we all called him) had this beautiful hammer he carried with him, etched and wrapped with wire. and one day I asked if I could play with his hammer. He gave me such a look... and I realized how that sounded, and blushed. After that, we teased back and forth about who got to hold his hammer in public. I was stunned to hear of his passing.

This gentle's name has been entered on the Scroll of Honor - An Tir Remembers.