Court Heraldry

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Tips for Novice Court Heralds

Things you should have and do:

  1. Your own baldric or tabard, with the generic heralds badge on it (Vert, two trumpets in saltire OR)
  2. Your own clip-board, 3x5 cards, pen(s) or pencil, water bottle
  3. Voice heraldry requires one to project ones voice for often extended periods of time, hopefully without going hoarse or becoming over or under oxygenated in the process. If you don't know how well you project, get some feed back in a practice situation. You might take a look at some of the "how to sing" books avaiable - there is a dummies/complete idiots guide available that covers most of this stuff quite well.
  4. Eat, hydrate, rest, do proper vocal warm-ups, avoid alcohal/salt/and really dry foods such as crackers immediately before and during a voice heraldry session.
  5. Don't worry if you mangle your best friend's name in court - we've all done it!
  6. Have a sense of humor and be ready to improvise. Royalty can be unpredictable. A two minute presentation can become 10 if the royal in question decides to have some fun. (ydg)
  7. If you can, see if you can shadow a more experience court herald during a court or two before you do your first one. (ydg)
  8. For longer courts, working in pairs is a good idea. One can rest and get ready for the next item of business while the other deals with the current one. Not all royals are open to this idea, so ask first.(ydg)

Good Luck

Aldreada (who only stutters when she is doing Court heraldry)


  1. Practice reading the common ceremonies out loud beforehand.
  2. Remember that you are only the Throne's (or other dignitary's) voice. Do not make comments aside, crack jokes, or otherwise draw attention to yourself. When Court is finished, the watching populace (audience) should only remember the people on the thrones and the court business afterward, they should not remember you.