Wulfhere the Capacious

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Sir Wulfhere at Clinton War with Lady Hannah and Chloe

This gentle's name has been entered on the Scroll of Honor - An Tir Remembers.


Knight June 20, 1992 AS 27

Jambe de Lion July 4, 1993 AS 28

Award of Arms Sept 2, 1984 AS 19

1 March XL/2006

For all of who have being playing in the S.C.A. for some time I have some Tragic news. I am sorry to share the news this way but I don't have phone numbers for all who would wish to know. My Knight and really good friend Sir Wulfhere the Capacious was killed last night about 6 P.M. in a head-on collision.

If anyone needs to get in contact with Lady Angelique at this time please call *me* as she is very distraught and is not accepting phone calls. I know many of us will want to offer sympathies and condolences and I will let you know how to send those. I will pass on the info about the arrangements as they become available. At this time it looks like Friday or Saturday for the services but nothing has yet been finalized.

I can be reached at [deleted for privacy] or at work [deleted for privacy] Please No phone calls after 11 P.M.

As Wulfhere had many friends in the whole Kingdom would some one be kind enough to cross post this to the Cathedral Steps and to the Tir Righ groups.

My apologies to any who should have been called - it has been a very trying time for Angelique and if she missed you there is no slight intended. Please bear with us in this time of grief.

In service to the Dream
Gabriel of Rockhaven
Proud Squire to Sir Wulfhere

I met Wulfhere at the very first fight practice he ever attended and I am pausing now to remember all the great and crazy times we had. I will miss him - his smile, his laughter, his generosity and his unwavering friendship and loyalty. My heart goes out to his lady.

Morgan the Unknown, OL --- If you knew him, then there are no words which can do justice to his deeds. Nor room enough to write the virtues of this Knight. Nor time enough to list the names of those he has inspired. If you did not know him, it is a great misfortune, for you are a lesser person than you might have been. I served this man, I was not worthy , He did not care.

You are greatly missed my friend
your squire,
Kraig Landenthal  OP