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[[Image:Arnora-and-Dinnok.jpg]] THL Arnora and her lord Dinnok Smoksson
[[Image:Arnora-and-Dinnok.jpg]] THL Arnora and her lord Dinnok Smoksson

Revision as of 15:44, 18 July 2008

Arnora-and-Dinnok.jpg THL Arnora and her lord Dinnok Smoksson

The Honorable Lady Arnóra Grimsdottir, GdS, JdL, OGO, AoA, CDW, OIQ, Apprentice to Mistress Rolynnda of the Azurestone, OL Protégé to the late Mistress Piasa Dragonsaver, OP

Other names used: Wilhelmina Catherine de La Rochelle (in An Tir), Wilhelmina Blackspruce, Wilhelmina of RavensRook, other variations (in West Kingdom)

First event ever attended was in 1979 in the Principality of the Mists, West Kingdom.

Served as Shire Constable for Shire of Selveirgard in Oertha in 1989, as Chronicler in 1990, won Captain of Archers for Selveirgard in 1990, appointed Seneschale for Shire in 1991, held post until 1994. Autocratted Selveirgard Spring Offensive 1991, 92 and 1993.

Served as Acting Chatelaine and organized numerous demo’s for Selveirgard during 1992 / ’93. Awarded the Token of the Rusty Key for long service as Seneschale to the Shire.

July 19 AS 27 / 1992 Received the Princess’ Riband for service on retinue to TRH Sir Kylson Skyfire and Mistress Anne of Bradford, Prince and Princess of Oertha.

Received Award of Arms at July Coronation in Barony of Eskalya in July 19, AS XXVII (1992) by TRH’s Sir Nicholaus Barchatov & Alyssia of Cameo Keepe. Made a Companion of the Diamond Willow in 1992 for service to the Principality of Oertha and accepted as Protégé to Mistress Piasa Dragonsaver, OP.

May 1993 Baroness Penelope bestowed the Order of the Ivory Quatrefoil for outstanding service to the Barony of Eskalya.

As an Oertha Collegium instructor taught classes on: Soapmaking, Puppetry, Autocratting, SCA Courtesy and Etiquette, Ferretry in the SCA, Basketmaking and Soapstone carving.

Named a Lady of the Chamber to TRH’s Georg and Katarzina in 1994

Because of skill at arts and teaching was accepted as Apprentice to Mistress Rolynnda of the Azurestone at July Coronation in 1996.

Left SCA during 6 years in Air Force.

2001: Moved to An Tir. Served as Chronicler for the Barony of Wealdsmere, helped found the Incipient Grimwithshire in 2002 and selected as Seneschale, autocratted Wealdsmere’s Octoberfeast in 2003, served as Boke Butler for Grimwith on the An Tir Grete Boke project, designed and illuminated several of the pages. Named to the Right Noble Order of the Goutte de Sang for service to the Kingdom in 2004, autocrat for Grimwithshire war event "Grim Offensive" in 2005, 2006 and 2008.

Awarded the Order of the Golden Osprey for service to the Barony of Wealdsmere in 2008, and a Jambe de Lion at Grim Offensive IV in June 2008.

Captain of the ship Atreides, and a Commodore in the Sylversail Armada.

Current offices as of July 2008: Grimwithshire Herald, Lions Blood Clerk

Interests include: Scribal arts,leatherworking, glassblowing, Heraldry, Costuming, beekeeping, cooking and a whole bunch of other stuff.